Social media and privacy

Social media sites like Facebook or Instagram are great for sharing stories, finding friends and tracking down family.
Sharing stories is an important part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture. Before technology, stories were shared person to person and passed down through the generations.
There's a lot of pride in our community – it’s good to share our stories and pics. — Dora, 54
What can happen on social media
It's important to think before you share your story, because once you share a pic or a post, it is out there for everyone to see.
Online fights can grow into a big mess. The choices we make online can affect our communities too. Check out the clip to see what happens when Ebony's godmother Sal posts something about her mum Tanya on their social networking site. Things get out of control quickly!
Visual | Audio |
Tanya and her daughter Ebony are at home. Tanya is using the computer and is shocked to find a nasty online post from her sister, Sal. |
Tanya: Ahh! That bloody bitch! Ebony, look what your bloody cow of a godmother posted on her page! Ebony: [Reading post] My goddaughter wins healthy fun run. Oh, what's wrong with that, Mum? Tanya: How about this? [Reading comment] Proud Mum Tanya, leading by example as usual LOL! Ebony: Mum, is that an Extra Megaburger? Tanya: I'll show her LOL! |
Tanya goes to the cupboard to find a photo of Sal. She picks one of Sal wearing a towel, just as she's getting out of the shower. |
Tanya: Here it is. Ebony: Mum, don't do it! Tanya: [Posting] We've all had some tragic moments, hey, Sal? Pissing myself laughing! |
Sal and her daughter are at home. Sal is at the computer and gets a shock when she sees the photo that Tanya posted of her. Ebony calls her cousin (Sal's daughter). Ebony's grandmother also sees the post, and comments from her tablet. |
Cousin: [Answering phone] Hey, Eb, heads up. Mum's going off her head here. Gonna end badly. Ebony: I know. And they tell us off about posting stuff online. Sal: [Typing] Take this down now! This could affect my job, you idiot! Tanya: Oh, it's so different now it's of you! [Typing] Rolling on the floor laughing. Grandmother: [Typing] You two need to grow up. You're supposed to be sisters, not enemies. Go and sort peacefully, face to face. Sal: You're right! [Typing] I'll sort this out face to face. Anyone who wants to see Tanya be put on her big fat ass, be at her place in 20 minutes. Tanya: You'll see who gets put on their ass! Grandmother: That's not what I meant! |
People from around the community rush over to Tanya's house. Sal is out the front as Tanya comes out. |
Sal: Come on, hero! Let's see what you've got! Tanya: Bring it! Sal: Come on then! Tanya: Come on then! Sal: Come on then! Tanya: Come on! Sal: No, you come on! |
The police arrive. |
Sheriff: Everyone needs to disperse from the area now! Let's just settle down and go home! |
Think twice before sending the wrong message. Online fights can grow into a big mess. |
Video: Little things.
Social media safety checklist
Anyone can copy what you post on social media, including your pics. Keep your privacy and community safe when you are using social media by thinking about the following questions.
Have you:
- only ‘friended’ people you know?
- looked at your security and privacy settings?
- learnt how to report any trouble?
- kept your post 'strong and proud'?
Worried about online bullying?
If you are under 25 you can have a web chat with Kids Helpline or make a free call to them on 1800 55 1800.
You could also check out our advice about cyberbullying for kids, young people and parents.
Last updated: 05/04/2023